Corona—the moral pandemic.


Behold! The crumpled crowd that has become a self-piteous, self-indulgent, and arrogant liability going about as though immortal.

This piece is for those who are gifted with privilege and endowed with choice. Those able and free to think and advocate. Those who sit in their comfort, cushioned between passive oblivion and active ignorance. To those who should know better—because it is on you to set a better example for others to follow.

It has become astoundingly clear that C-19 is affecting whatever common sense and decency we have left in humanity at an increasingly alarming rate. 

This pandemic is a testament to society’s inability to properly deliver and process information, cope with struggle, and overcome conflict.

I’ll spare you an analysis of the common mumbo-jumbo we have all borne witness to incessantly in the last months. We know there is collective grievance, trauma, anxiety, and despair.

Here, I’ll confess what is most shocking—at least to me.

It’s shocking that, in today's day and age, amidst revolutionary tech-advancements and unprecedented medical breakthroughs, the world stands stunned before a life-threatening invisible enemy, all while employing primitive measures in response. It feels disconcerted at best and equally catastrophic at worst. 

Should you have yet to notice that this pandemic has revealed that Government and medical systems are not as up to par as one thought—you might be riddled with denial. It may also be that I’m delusional in thinking that med and tech have advanced in equal proportion. While I can’t speak to the complexity of the science behind this virus, I wonder: 

Why is it that such a pandemic caught us by such surprise, brought us to our knees, and halted life as we know it? It’s the same as knowing that drinking impairs driving, but still, you get behind the wheel UTI and pray that you make it home a’right. Or, better yet, going sailing in deep waters without any life-vests onboard. You can see how the latter are said to be reckless behaviours. Given that highly contagious viruses are nothing new, our current responses to the current pandemic feel distressfully reactive.

Why is it that despite all gifted minds worldwide who have been working tirelessly to remedy this whole situation, we have yet to achieve even a short respite from this misery? I refuse to believe that we have been experiencing one genius failed attempt after another for a year now.

Why are countries and health experts unaligned in their approach and opinion? A sure way to destabilize and confuse a nation is by feeding them conflicting information. If the Media is of any reflection of our current state, madness would be the defining word.

Why develop a vaccine if we are still uncertain whether we can develop immunity to the virus? Unless, of course, we have been misinformed. Or maybe I’ve misunderstood. Maybe they will test for immunity before administering the vaccine. Maybe testing for existing antibodies will be considered redundant in view of ensuring everyone gets vaccinated. But imagine we now knew that we are building immunity at the same rate the virus is spreading. This would at the very least help to boost morale and reinstate some trust, optimism, and confidence in people.  

But what is most disconcerting is watching the world divide over a common problem. Some insist that the government lockdown is an exaggerated sham and nonsense. They seldom wear a mask and gather freely (albeit discretely) with others. Some are utterly terrified law-abiders. Then, there are those eager to get the vaccine calling skeptics daft and an immoral disgrace to society. And there are the skeptics who demand to know more before acquiescing to being voluntarily injected by a potentially high-risk substance and calling opposing parties irresponsible and ignorant sheep. Point is, we are all shaking our fist at someone. And sadly, we are all but hypnotized bystanders too weak to fight the toxic systemic structures that birth and enable insidious subservient contagion. But it is time we break out of our respective echo chambers, and welcome opinions opposite ours and remember that debate and reflection are the very constituents of evolution. 

It appears we have turned against one another. It seems we are conveniently distracted by the socio-political fairy-dust. Could it be that we are inattentive to the truth that lies beneath this misty controlled chaos? If we are to get through this, we ought to pull our heads out of the sand and face conflict productively and unanimously.

That said, we all should be mindful that when Governments and health leaders provide us with information, they do so to the best of their limited abilities. Do not expect that they have all answers—this has been made evident. Just as you, they are human devoid of any almighty powers. The reality is that they are trying their best to figure this out. And in fact, it is the "figuring out" bit that has us wrapped up in angst. Part of our anxiety stems from the unsettling feeling we get discovering that the institutions we thought to be robust and ready to save our life, are, well, beside themselves. However, it is not so much their responsibility to care for your life as much as it yours. Sure, in time of need, they can lend a helping hand; this, however, does not negate you of the responsibility to help yourself first. And this entails you go above and beyond the simple safety precautions to ensure you also keep your immune system and physical/mental states in check. 

It’s been said that: "It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change." Some later argued that it’s the wisest that survive. Heck, either-or will do at this point. Let’s just get-it-the-hell-together people. Consider this pandemic an abrupt wake-up call. 

Remember the classic rhetorical question: “If all of your friends jumped off a cliff, would you jump too?” It’s meant to have us question the power of social influence, obedience, conformity, self-preservation, and self-justification. It’s meant to encourage free and critical thought—a life lesson lost on many. So before you cast a stone upon someone, ensure you rest upon taller ground so as to shield yourself from the throw of their stone—because, surely, you are just as flawed as they are. We are all but mere mortals—even the faceless few who seemingly have command over our life. 


Bonjour-Hi! I was born and raised in Montreal. But I don’t quite belong.


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