Vive Le Québec
My poetic passage of thought as it relates to bill 96.
It's not surprising that a province that obsessively desires its sovereignty governs in a divisive manner.
Those at its helm and their worshipers continuously make their inherent intentions clear: through repetitive collective actions, exacerbate tensions between the anglo/allophones and the francophones.
Classic divide and conquer tactics.
The irony is that even separatists must stand together—ultimate power is never achieved by oneself.
Even a self-governing nation is governed by a clique of supreme rulers requiring a herd bow to them while unrelentingly dismissing those who stand up to them.
Sovereignty, in such a case, exposes a severe fallacy: that it lends fair autonomy to the people as it supposedly does to the intended nation.
How can a nation be free and united when its people stand distressed and divided?